May. 22, 2020

Things to Keep in Mind...

1). Fear is an illusion we create with our mind. 

2). Only Love is real.

3). Our pain is a result of Disconnection from Self.

4). Remembering our powerful, true nature will dissolve any obstacle.

5). The time has come to Take Our Power Back.

6). We were always perfect & never lost our worth, just survivors of damaged people.

7). We create our reality & health with our thoughts.

8). Humanity's future is directly influenced by how we treat children today.

9). Gender Roles have programmed/conditioned us to abuse ourselves & each other.

10). Childhood Trauma has programmed/conditioned us to abuse ourselves & each other.

11). The way we treat each other is a direct reflection of how we feel about ourselves.

12). Stress leads to illness & we can take charge of our health by correcting our thinking of stressful thoughts.

13).  Know how powerful your mind is.

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